TENS for Erectile Dysfunction

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) involves the use of low-voltage electrical stimulation (eStim) to stimulate nerves and treat various conditions, including pain and certain muscle-related issues. While TENS is commonly used for pain management, research is ongoing regarding its effectiveness for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). It's important to note that ED has multiple potential causes, and the effectiveness of treatments can vary widely depending on the underlying factors, The Kegel8 V For Men has programmes to treat ED.

  1. TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) is a potential treatment for erectile dysfunction, aiming to improve blood flow, nerve function, and sexual well-being
  2. Prostate problems become more common with age. The prostate is a small gland located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. Regular exercise may also help improve prostate health.
  3. Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Men Kegel8 V For Men will help strengthen and manage the pelvic floor weakness
  4. Several clinical studies report NMES of the pelvic floor muscles for rehabilitation to be a safe and effective treatment for incontinence (Sand et al, 1995; Indrekvam and Hunskaar, 2002).
  5. Contrary to popular belief, couples in their 60s, 70s and even 80s still have sex. It’s natural, normal and even healthy. But how can you ensure a long lifetime of rewarding sex for both you and your partner? Follow these top tips from Kegel8…
  6. Boosting your sexual life expectancy is possible. Here are a few of Kegel8’s top tips:
  7. Kegel8 V For Men uses electrical stimulation to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and calm nerves, stronger erections are a side effect!
  8. 4 Proven Strategies to Achieve Stronger, Longer-Lasting Erections and Prevent Erectile Dysfunction
  9. When performing your Kegel exercises, the muscle contractions help to massage the prostate, helping to remove harmful toxins which can build up inside. Prostate cancer treatment can cause a variety of symptoms including urinary incontinence, bowel inconti
  10. Tam Fry, the leading spokesperson for the National Obesity Forum, sheds light on an alarming trend.
  11. Simon had bladder leaks and erection problems following prostate surgery, Kegel8 helped Simon regain control.
  12. Kegel8 are set to revolutionise pelvic floor exercise once again with the launch of our long-awaited Kegel8 V For Men