Bladder Problems

Bladder problems encompass a range of issues that affect the normal function of the bladder, which is the organ responsible for storing and releasing urine. These problems can manifest as a variety of symptoms and conditions. Here are some common bladder problems:

Urinary Incontinence, Urinary Retention, Bladder Overactivity, Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis, Neurogenic Bladder, Bladder Stones, Bladder Infections (Cystitis), Haematuria, Bladder Diverticula, Bladder Cancer, Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction, Bladder Prolapse.

  1. Synthetic mid-urethral slings for stress incontinence in neurogenic LUTD
  2. Bladder problems encompass a range of issues that affect the normal function of the bladder, which is the organ responsible for storing and releasing urine. These problems can manifest as a variety of symptoms and conditions.
  3. A sensitive bladder, also known as an overactive bladder (OAB), is a condition characterized by a sudden and frequent need to urinate. If you develop a sensitive bladder, you experience urinary urgency, meaning you feel a strong and compelling need to pee
  4. Magda Pegowska, a health and fitness YouTuber, suffered from light incontinence following childbirth but didn’t see any problem with it – until the issue worsened over time and developed into a prolapse. But, Magda was determined to take control
  5. Shannon treated her incontinence with the Kegel8 pelvic floor exercise device.
  6. Simon had bladder leaks and erection problems following prostate surgery, Kegel8 helped Simon regain control.
  7. 12 weeks of treatment with a Kegel8 Ultra 20 have pads a thing of the past for Samantha!
  8. Anna's Story - I feel better and tighter. Sex with my husband has also improved,
  9. Alison suffered perimenopausal bladder problems which were helped by using Kegel8 pelvic toner.