Kegel8 Success Stories

  1. Kegel8 Ultra 20 success stories for treating bladder weakness and urge incontinence.
  2. I Used a Menstrual Cup for the First Time and This is What Happened
  3. Kegel8 Menstrual Cup vs Leading Brands
  4. I am now one of those people who describe this machine as 'life-changing' and I find myself wanting to educate everyone on it, especially GPs who are not aware of it.
  5. Vaginal looseness and lack of sensation improved after just 6 weeks use with Kegel8.
  6. Dr. Louise Wiseman on the Medical Merits of Kegel8 Pelvic Floor Toners
  7. Magda Pegowska, a health and fitness YouTuber, suffered from light incontinence following childbirth but didn’t see any problem with it – until the issue worsened over time and developed into a prolapse. But, Magda was determined to take control
  8. Sophie Claus began to suffer from incontinence following a total hysterectomy at age 32. But, she wasn't going to let the incontinence take over.
  9. Tina was suffering with a grade 3 prolapse that was stopping her from attending her spin class.
  10. Shannon treated her incontinence with the Kegel8 pelvic floor exercise device.
  11. Simon had bladder leaks and erection problems following prostate surgery, Kegel8 helped Simon regain control.
  12. Theresa's bowel incontinence was improved with Kegel8, another success story from Kegel8.