For Men

  1. Prostate

    All men know that they have a prostate, but most men don’t know what it is or what it does until there’s a problem with it.

    The prostate is a gland that only men have. It wraps around the urethra, and is situated between the bladder and the penis. It’s not essential for life, but it’s important for reproduction. It produces a liquid which mixes with sperm and makes them more mobile, and it helps them reach the egg too.

    Unless you’re having prostate problems you’ll never realise it’s there. An enlarged prostate can make going to the toilet difficult; there’s a condition called prostatitis whereby it can become inflamed and very painful, and then there’s cancer of the prostate too.

    Any changes, just see your doctor – don’t be embarrassed, they’re there to help and have seen it all before (and much worse, trust me).

    Kegel exercises can help maintain prostate health. When you contract and relax the male pelvic floor it massages the prostate, which can help to

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  2. Sexual Function

    Hot off the press: 6 months of Kegel exercises for men are as effective as erection-enhancing drugs at treating erectile dysfunction!

    Whether you suffer from erectile dysfunction or you just want to get and maintain a harder, stronger erection, before turning to medication, strengthen your pelvic floor with male Kegel exercises!

    A recent study has shown that with 6 months of Kegel exercises, 76% of men showed greatly improved sexual function – which is on a par with erection-enhancing drugs, and the results are long-term too, which means that you’ll enjoy the effects long after the drugs would have worn off.

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  3. Mens Kegel Exercises

    Male Pelvic floor exercises – the natural way to help incontinence and erectile dysfunction

    You’ve probably heard of pelvic floor exercises, or Kegel exercises, used by women to tighten up their pelvic floor after childbirth, or in the case of incontinence. But did you know that they can help men with a whole range of men’s health issues too?

    Do you suffer from male incontinence or ‘dribbles’ or ‘leaks’?

    Male Kegel exercises are a fantastic way to strengthen your pelvic floor, which in turn is a great help in treating incontinence. Your pelvic floor is responsible for squeezing your bladder when it’s time to go to the toilet, so if it’s strong, you will be able to go longer between toilet breaks and will be able to empty your bladder fully when it’s time to go.

    Do you want to improve your prostate health?

    By performing pelvic floor exercises, a man can help to improve his overall prostate health. As you exercise, the muscle contractions massage

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  4. Mens Bowel Health

    Keep your bowels in good health with Kegel8!

    Constipation, piles, hemorrhoids, male pelvic pain and rectal prolapse… here at Kegel8 we’re quite sure that these are things that you want to avoid. A strong and healthy male pelvic floor will help you to keep your bowels in good health, and keeping your bowels in good health will help you to have a strong pelvic floor!

    Sounds complicated?

    Well, it’s not. For example, avoiding constipation will help your pelvic floor muscles as you won’t have to strain as much to go to the toilet. But, having strong pelvic floor muscles will help you to go to the toilet easier, which helps with constipation!

    What’s more, exercising with Kegel8 and strengthening your pelvic floor muscles could also help you with chronic male pelvic pain and help you to avoid or treat a rectal prolapse or rectocele. What have you got to lose?


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  5. What is Male Incontinence?

    Dribbles, leaks, whatever you call it, it’s all incontinence.

    Male incontinence, dribbling, leakage or whatever else you call it, is an increasing problem. It’s annoying, embarrassing and can really damage your self esteem. But you need to remember that you’re not alone, and you don’t need to suffer in silence.

    It affects men of all ages, and there’s a whole host of possible causes, all of which are treatable with help from your GP and from Kegel8.

    Whether it’s prostate problems, a weak pelvic floor or an overactive bladder, these can all cause you to need to go to the toilet too often, or throughout the night, or sometimes you might not get there in time.

    GPs are now recommending male pelvic floor exercises, or Kegel exercises, as a first line treatment for male incontinence.

    “But aren’t they just for women?”

    No! Strengthening your male pelvic floor helps to strengthen the muscles that support your

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  6. How To Do Kegel Exercises For Men

    Medically reviewed by Amanda Savage, edited 5th January, 2022.

    What is a Kegel exercise?

    First things first – yes, Kegel exercises are as important for men as for women. 

    Our pelvic floor muscles support the bowels and bladder while also playing a key role in sexual function and being able to last that little bit longer. So, it’s important we strengthen them.

    While pelvic muscles are often associated with treating urinary incontinence among those who’ve had their prostate removed, there are plenty of benefits to practising strengthening them regularly for all of us.

    Here, you’ll find everything you need to know about male Kegel exercises and how they can improve your health and wellbeing.

    Benefits of Kegel exercises for men

    While research suggests men who have undergone a prostatectomy will benefit from

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  7. The 6 Pillars Supporting Male Pelvic Health

    1: Male Pelvic Floor Exercises

    A lot of men don’t realise that they have a pelvic floor, but you do! The male pelvic floor is group of muscles that support your bladder and bowel. It wraps around your prostate gland and the inner parts of your penis, stretching from your anus to your pubic bones. The way that it’s connected to all of these organs means that it’s responsible for controlling how you wee, poo and have sex. Having a strong pelvic floor will give you stronger erections that last. It will also prevent you from developing conditions like male incontinence. 

    How to do male kegels

    The best way to strengthen and protect your pelvic floor is to do male pelvic floor exercises.

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  8. The Male Pelvic Floor And Benefits Of Kegels For Men

    The Male Pelvic Floor and Benefits of Kegels for Men

    The pelvic floor is an important part of every man's body, and because we can't see it, it often gets neglected. The male pelvic floor is a layer of muscle and other tissues that stretch from the tailbone to the pubic bone. It supports the bladder and bowel, with the urine tube and back passage both passing through the pelvic floor muscles.

    The pelvic floor helps you to control your bladder and bowel and plays an important role in healthy sexual function. A strong and healthy pelvic floor can help you to prevent and treat pelvic pain and lack of sensation too.

    Symptoms and Causes of a Man's Weak Pelvic Floor

    Common symptoms associated with a weak pelvic floor include:

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  9. 12 Week Exercise Guide for Men

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  10. Pelvic Floor Exercises for Men

    Pelvic floor exercises, otherwise known as Kegels, are often associated with women. However, men can also practice pelvic floor exercises and strengthen their pelvic muscles as a result. With practice, you can do Kegel exercises anywhere, anytime, and reap the rewards of continence and an active and fulfilled sex life.

    What are Pelvic Floor Exercises and Why are They Important for Men?

    Male pelvic floor exercises have become increasingly recognised as a first-line treatment for male incontinence, erection problems, premature ejaculation, as well as being an important part of recovery after pelvic surgery, especially prostate surgery. Pelvic floor muscle training is extremely effective for helping with:

    • Stress incontinence - Men who leak urine when they cough, sneeze or are active are suffering from stress incontinence. Pelvic
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